Friday, May 15, 2015

Get taught all About Safety in the Air by the Top Surfers of the World


Air New Zealand knows how to please tourists when it comes to in-flight safety videos. Can you guess those who would be joining J. R. R. Tolkien’s Hobbits and Betty White on the impressive roster of the airline this month? The top professional surfers of the world. The airline collaborated with Sports Illustrated – which marks the second time that both brands are going to collaborate – to make “Surfing Safari” which features Alana Blanchard, Laird Hamilton, Mick Fanning, Gabriel Medina, and Anastasia Ashley the model.

The sights are quite phenomenal as anyone would easily have guessed.

Take a look for yourself:

My NEWEST books are already on Amazon. Simply follow this link to purchase them today -
These are their titles:
1.     Chain of Destiny – Chapter One. Purchase it here

2.     Destination Honeymoon USA. Purchase it here

3.     Considering a Honeymoon in the USA. Purchase it here

4.     Top 50 Travel Destinations for 2015. Purchase it here

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